CRISPR Congress 2012:

Conference Series LLC Ltd invites the contributors across the globe to participate in the premier “CRISPR 2022”, to discuss the theme: "CRISPR technology to feed, fuel and heal the world". The conference will be held in Dallas, USA during November 10-11, 2022 wherein prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions are included.
Details of CRISPR Cas 9 Conferences 2020 in Montreal:
Conference Series LLC Ltd is organizing CRISPR Cas 9 Conferences in 2022 Montreal, Canada. We organize Biotechnology Meetings persuasive key advances in Biotechnology, CRISPER-CAS9 Techniques, Genome editing, Genome editing and gene regulation in industrial bacterial biotechnology, Genome editing and gene regulation in industrial eukaryotic biotechnology, CRISPR technologies beyond genome editing and gene regulation, Horizons of CRISPR biology and its related aspects Gene Editing by CRISPR/CAS 9 Technology and Industrial Biotechnology.
“CRISPR” stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, which are the hallmark of a bacterial defense system that forms the basis for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology. In the field of genome engineering, the term “CRISPR” or “CRISPR-Cas9” is often used loosely to refer to the various CRISPR-Cas9 and -CPF1, (and other) systems that can be programmed to target specific stretches of genetic code and to edit DNA at precise locations, as well as for other purposes, such as for new diagnostic tools. With these systems, researchers can permanently modify genes in living cells and organisms and, in the future, may make it possible to correct mutations at precise locations in the human genome in order to treat genetic causes of disease. Other systems are now available, such as CRISPR-Cas13’s, that target RNA provide alternate avenues for use, and with unique characteristics that have been leveraged for sensitive diagnostic tools, such as SHERLOCK.
CRISPR genome editing allows scientists to quickly create cell and animal models, which researchers can use to accelerate research into diseases such as cancer and mental illness. In addition, CRISPR is now being developed as a rapid diagnostic.
Studies using in vitro (laboratory) and animal models of human disease have demonstrated that the technology can be effective in correcting genetic defects. Examples of such diseases include cystic fibrosis, cataracts, and Fanconi anemia, according to a 2016 review article published in the journal Nature Biotechnology. These studies pave the way for therapeutic applications in humans.
CRISPR technology has also been applied in the food and agricultural industries to engineer probiotic cultures and to vaccinate industrial cultures (for yogurt, for example) against viruses. It is also being used in crops to improve yield, drought tolerance and nutritional properties.
One other potential application is to create gene drives. These are genetic systems, which increase the chances of a particular trait passing on from parent to offspring.
However, CRISPR-Cas9 is not without its drawbacks.
The genome-editing efficiencies can vary. According to the 2014 Science article by Doudna and Charpentier, in a study conducted in rice, gene editing occurred in nearly 50 percent of the cells that received the Cas9-RNA complex. Whereas other analyses have shown that depending on the target, editing efficiencies can reach as high as 80 percent or more.
There is also the phenomenon of "off-target effects," where DNA is cut at sites other than the intended target. This can lead to the introduction of unintended mutations.
International conference of CRISPR 2022 is a Research-scientific knowledge bridge, that aims bring together multi-disciplinary luminaries for Thriving innovation in the Biotechnology. The scientific conferences have been carefully structured so as to share knowledge and thoughts through presentations and exhibitions. CRISPR 2022 event with sessions covers all aspects of biotech-driven technique CRISPR and addresses the key issues currently affecting its researches. Attendees can look forward to hearing about the different strategies taken to improve ongoing research and decipher how to overcome technical limitations in research development. This conference is where pharm, investors and Life Science companies find partners, access innovation, find funding and brainstorm the solutions to further their business needs.
Target Audience:
Target Audience for CRISPR 2022 will be personnel from both industrial and academic fields which include; Directors/Managers, Head of Departmental, Presidents/Vice Presidents, CEO, Professors, Associate and Assistant professors, Research Scholars and students from the related fields.
Target Audience
Industry 40%
Academia 50%
Others 10%
Major Biotechnology Associations around the Globe:
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
American Society of Gene Therapy
European Federation of Biotechnology
American Genetic Association
Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (UK)
European Association of Pharma Biotechnology
Plant and Animal Biotechnology
Agricultural biotechnology, also known as agritech, is an area of agricultural science involving the use of scientific tools and techniques, including genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, and tissue culture, to modify living organisms: plants, animals, and microorganisms. Biotechnology is used in many ways in agriculture. Agricultural biotechnology companies work to supply farmers with tools to increase the yield of plant and animal products, while lowering the costs of production. Agricultural biotechnology can also include production of plants such as orchids for ornamental purposes and plants that can be used for fuel production (biofuels). To accomplish these goals, biotechnologists develop products to protect animals and crops from disease and help farmers identify the best animals and seeds to use in selective breeding programs. Animal biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology in which molecular biology techniques are used to genetically engineer (i.e. modify the genome of) animals in order to improve their suitability for pharmaceutical, agricultural or industrial applications.
Structural Biology and Bioinformatics
Structural bioinformatics is related to prediction and analysis of the three dimensional structure of macromolecules, for example, protein, DNA, RNA. It deals with the speculation of overall folds, Interactions, structure and functional relationship and molecular folding of tentatively solved structures and computationally predicted structures. Structural bioinformatics tools have been created, assessed, applied to answer particular inquiries concerning a wide scope of themes. It gives an invaluable structural context for preservation and mechanistic investigation leading to practical knowledge.
Cancer and stem cells
Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide (through mitosis) to produce more stem cells. They are found in multicellular organisms. In mammals, there are two broad types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells, which are isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, and adult stem cells, which are found in various tissues. In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing adult tissues. In a developing embryo, stem cells can differentiate into all the specialized cells—ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm (see induced pluripotent stem cells)—but also maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin, or intestinal tissues.
Genome Editing Methods and Novel Tools
Genetic engineering is the manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology Principles. It is a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes within and across species domains for the production of improved or novel organisms. Genetic engineering has applications in medicine, research, industry and agriculture and can be used on a wide range of plants, animals and micro organisms. Tissue engineering is the use of a integration of cells, engineering and materials principles, and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to improve or replace biological tissues. It involves the use of a scaffold for the formation of new viable tissue for a medical purpose. Tissue engineering cover a broad range of applications, that repair or replace portions of or whole tissues (i.e., bone, cartilage, blood vessels, bladder, skin, muscle etc.). The definition of regenerative medicine is often used same sense with tissue engineering, although those involved in regenerative medicine place more emphasis on the use of stem cells or progenitor cells to produce tissues.
Therapeutic Genome Editing
Medical Biotechnology or Red Biotechnology is the use of living cells and cell materials to research and produce pharmaceutical and diagnostic products that help and prevent human diseases. Applications in pharmacology, gene therapy, stem cells, Tissue engineering. By discovering new drugs and vaccines, there have been improved and accelerated drug testing, better diagnostic capabilities, and the availability of foods which enhance nutritional values. It has applications in manufacture pharmaceuticals like enzymes, antibiotics and vaccines, and its use for molecular diagnostic. Today, the availability of “targeted therapies” for diseases and individuals should greatly improve drug safety and efficacy, and the development of predictive technologies may lead to a new era in disease prevention, especially in some of the world’s fast developing economies. This sound rationale holds great potential and promise in the field of medical biotechnology.
Genome editing and gene regulation in human health
“CRISPR” (pronounced “crisper”) stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, which are the hallmark of a bacterial defense system that forms the basis for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology. In the field of genome engineering, the term “CRISPR” or “CRISPR-Cas9” is often used loosely to refer to the various CRISPR-Cas9 and -CPF1, (and other) systems that can be programmed to target specific stretches of genetic code and to edit DNA at precise locations, as well as for other purposes, such as for new diagnostic tools. With these systems, researchers can permanently modify genes in living cells and organisms and, in the future, may make it possible to correct mutations at precise locations in the human genome in order to treat genetic causes of disease. Other systems are now available, such as CRISPR-Cas13’s, that target RNA provide alternate avenues for use, and with unique characteristics that have been leveraged for sensitive diagnostic tools, such as SHERLOCK.
Genome editing and gene regulation in industrial bacterial biotechnology
CRISPR “spacer” sequences are transcribed into short RNA sequences (“CRISPR RNAs” or “crRNAs”) capable of guiding the system to matching sequences of DNA. When the target DNA is found, Cas9 – one of the enzymes produced by the CRISPR system – binds to the DNA and cuts it, shutting the targeted gene off. Using modified versions of Cas9, researchers can activate gene expression instead of cutting the DNA. These techniques allow researchers to study the gene’s function.
Research also suggests that CRISPR-Cas9 can be used to target and modify “typos” in the three-billion-letter sequence of the human genome in an effort to treat genetic disease.
Genome editing and gene regulation in industrial eukaryotic biotechnology
CRISPR-Cas9 is proving to be an efficient and customizable alternative to other existing genome editing tools. Since the CRISPR-Cas9 system itself is capable of cutting DNA strands, CRISPRs do not need to be paired with separate cleaving enzymes as other tools do. They can also easily be matched with tailor-made “guide” RNA (gRNA) sequences designed to lead them to their DNA targets. Tens of thousands of such gRNA sequences have already been created and are available to the research community. CRISPR-Cas9 can also be used to target multiple genes simultaneously, which is another advantage that sets it apart from other gene-editing tools.
CRISPR technologies beyond genome editing and gene regulation
The genomes of various organisms encode a series of messages and instructions within their DNA sequences. Genome editing involves changing those sequences, thereby changing the messages. This can be done by inserting a cut or break in the DNA and tricking a cell's natural DNA repair mechanisms into introducing the changes one wants. CRISPR-Cas9 provides a means to do so.
In 2012, two pivotal research papers were published in the journals Science and PNAS, which helped transform bacterial CRISPR-Cas9 into a simple, programmable genome-editing tool.
The studies, conducted by separate groups, concluded that Cas9 could be directed to cut any region of DNA. This could be done by simply changing the nucleotide sequence of crRNA, which binds to a complementary DNA target. In the 2012 Science article, Martin Jinek and colleagues further simplified the system by fusing crRNA and tracrRNA to create a single "guide RNA." Thus, genome editing requires only two components: a guide RNA and the Cas9 protein.
Achieving efficient delivery and editing
CRISPR-Cas9 is proving to be an efficient and customizable alternative to other existing genome editing tools. Since the CRISPR-Cas9 system itself is capable of cutting DNA strands, CRISPRs do not need to be paired with separate cleaving enzymes as other tools do. They can also easily be matched with tailor-made “guide” RNA (gRNA) sequences designed to lead them to their DNA targets. Tens of thousands of such gRNA sequences have already been created and are available to the research community. CRISPR-Cas9 can also be used to target multiple genes simultaneously, which is another advantage that sets it apart from other gene-editing tools.
Horizons of CRISPR biology
CRISPR genome editing allows scientists to quickly create cell and animal models, which researchers can use to accelerate research into diseases such as cancer and mental illness. In addition, CRISPR is now being developed as a rapid diagnostic. To help encourage this type of research worldwide, scientists and their team have trained thousands of researchers in the use of CRISPR genome editing technology through direct education and by sharing more than 40,000 CRISPR components with academic laboratories around the world.
CRISPR technologies and society
CRISPR-Cas9 has become popular in recent years. CRISPR technology has also been applied in the food and agricultural industries to engineer probiotic cultures and to vaccinate industrial cultures (for yogurt, for example) against viruses. It is also being used in crops to improve yield, drought tolerance and nutritional properties. There is also the phenomenon of "off-target effects," where DNA is cut at sites other than the intended target. This can lead to the introduction of unintended mutations. Furthermore, Scientists noted that even when the system cuts on target, there is a chance of not getting a precise edit. They called this "genome vandalism."
Market Analysis
Biotechnology uses of biological processes in the development or manufacture of a product or in the technological solution to a problem. Since the discovery of DNA in 1953, and the identification of DNA as the genetic material in all life, there have been tremendous advances in the vast area of biotechnology. Biotech has a wide range of uses including food alterations, genetic research and cloning, human and animal health care, pharmaceuticals and the environment. The Global Biotechnology industry comprises a diverse range of companies engaged in the development of pharmaceuticals, pest-resistant crops and biofuels, among other products. Revenue for the industry has grown over the past five years and global investment in biotechnology has increased consistently, with much of the added R&D spending funneled into medical applications aimed at providing care for the aging global population. The Global Biotechnology industry is in the growth phase of its economic life cycle. Over the 10 years to 2021, revenue and industry value added (IVA) growth have outpaced world GDP growth. IVA, which measures the industry's contribution to the overall global economy, is forecast to grow 3.5% per year on average during the 10 years to 2021, slightly greater than annualized global GDP growth of 2.7% over the same period. The rapid increase in demand reflects the significant expansion in the products the industry supplies. Product lines increase as new technology is developed, processes are learned and products commercialized.
Biotechnology uses of biological processes in the development or manufacture of a product or in the technological solution to a problem. Since the discovery of DNA in 1953, and the identification of DNA as the genetic material in all life, there have been tremendous advances in the vast area of biotechnology. Biotech has a wide range of uses including food alterations, genetic research and cloning, human and animal health care, pharmaceuticals and the environment. The Global Biotechnology industry comprises a diverse range of companies engaged in the development of pharmaceuticals, pest-resistant crops and biofuels, among other products. Revenue for the industry has grown over the past five years and global investment in biotechnology has increased consistently, with much of the added R&D spending funneled into medical applications aimed at providing care for the aging global population. The Global Biotechnology industry is in the growth phase of its economic life cycle. Over the 10 years to 2021, revenue and industry value added (IVA) growth have outpaced world GDP growth. IVA, which measures the industry's contribution to the overall global economy, is forecast to grow 3.5% per year on average during the 10 years to 2021, slightly greater than annualized global GDP growth of 2.7% over the same period. The rapid increase in demand reflects the significant expansion in the products the industry supplies. Product lines increase as new technology is developed, processes are learned and products commercialized.
Total Revenue in Biotechnology and Annual growth:
The global biotechnology market size was valued at USD 270.5 billion in 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% owing to the increasing demand for diagnostics and therapeutics solutions such as recombinant technology, red biotechnology, and DNA sequencing. The increasing prevalence of diseases such as cancer, hepatitis B, and other orphan disorders is expected to serve as a high-impact rendering driver for this industry over the forecast period. Rising government initiatives owing to high significance towards growth of the economy are expected to boost the biotechnology market growth over the forecast period.
Increasing demand for agricultural and food products such as wheat, rice, sugarcane, and beans owing to growing population base in countries such as the U.S., China, and India is another major factor positively impacting the growth of the industry. Factors such as limited availability of agricultural land, shortage of water, the low yield of crops, and pest attacks are encouraging researchers to develop innovative agricultural technologies via extensive R&D activities. Application of biotechnological processes such as Genetic Modification (GM) and genetic engineering on agricultural products is a major driver for the growth of this industry.
Key technologies include fermentation, tissue engineering, nanobiotechnology, PCR technology, DNA sequencing, chromatography, cell-based assay, and others. In 2013, the tissue engineering and regeneration segment dominated the overall industry with USD 87.92 billion revenue. However, the DNA sequencing and cell-based assay segment is expected to witness lucrative growth till 2020 due to rising research and development initiatives by various pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies.
DNA sequencing is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 18.1% owing to its wide applications in various verticals such as agriculture, biology, medical, and geology. Based on application, global biotechnology market is divided into biopharmaceutical, bioservices, bioagriculture, and bio industrial. In 2013, biopharmaceuticals that are segmented into advanced drugs, orphan drugs, monoclonal antibodies, and recombinant proteins dominated the overall industry with around USD 184.21 billion revenue. Asia Pacific is expected to gain substantial market share and reach around USD 145.9 billion by 2020. Escalating awareness about the advantages associated with adoption and introduction of healthcare benefits by the government are driving forces for this region. The market was dominated by Roche Diagnostics with a market share of 17.1% in 2013. Key strategies adopted by these companies to gain market share include strategic collaborations, mergers, outsourcing research & development, and manufacturing activities.